Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Little Bit of Life

Alright! So my super fun post today is all about my little girl Baby.

The reason I wanted to post this today is because I got to bring her home one year ago today! Happy Adoption day Booboo! Her name is Baby though I do call her multiple other names depending on her mood. She is my constant companion, she is currently looking over my shoulder at my hands as I am typing this.

She is the most vocal, lovable, and sweet little thing and I am so happy that I convinced my mom to let me get her. More like I stalked the shelters page and spammed the house with pictures of her, then had a meltdown when she disappeared from the website and blaming my mom for her death. (She wasn't on death row, just had a cold.) But yea, we adopted her in December and she was still sick. So we got the call saying that she got the all clear from the vet and we brought her home just one year ago.

That first night was a doozy, she was scared of the heater. So she spent the night hiding under my moms bed... She has come a long way from that first night. I am so happy to have her.


  1. awwww, what a sweet kitty! I too have a little fur baby from the shelter. I hope that you two have many good years to come :)

    1. Thank you! Shelter pets are always so loving!

  2. Such a nice thing to adopt! We've got 3 cats here for adoption. Hope someone will do it. They're so cute! :D
    Have a wonderful week, dear!

    1. I couldn't imagine not adopting, they just want a little love. I hope you have an amazing week too!
